Youth Social Marketing Toolbox

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Social Marketing Toolbox

Click on the links below for additional resources in each of the social marketing areas:

Data and Background 
Behavioral Data 
Assessing the Community 
Transformation Education 
Goals and Objectives 
Theory Informs the Message 
Creating the Message 
Additional Resources

Data and Background

National Data

Centers for Disease Control-Youth Risk Behavior Survey (CDC-YRBS)

The YRBS monitors priority health-risk behaviors among youth and young adults, including sexual behaviors that contribute to unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), including human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infections. YRBS includes a national school-based survey conducted by CDC and state and local school-based surveys conducted by state and local education and health agencies. YRBS only surveys those youth that are in school (ages 15-19), and it does not have questions related or oral or anal sex or same sex interactions.

Go to comprehensive results; there are currently four cities in California that conduct the YRBS, but only three of them have their results posted on the website: San Bernardino, San Diego, and Los Angeles.

CDC: National Data on Reportable STDs

CDC: National Data on HIV and AIDS

National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES)
The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey is a program of studies designed to assess the health and nutritional status of adults and children in the United States. The survey is unique in that it combines interviews with physical examinations. Findings from this survey are used to determine prevalence of major diseases and risk factors for major diseases, including STDs.

State and Local* Data

State of California: STD Control Branch
Reportable STD Statewide and Local Health Jurisdiction Summaries

State of California: Office of AIDS
Data on reportable AIDS and, in the future, will have reportable HIV cases
CDPH Center for Health Statistics; Office of Health Information and Research

Each health department has local data on HIV/AIDS, STDs and teen birth rates. Talk to your local epidemiologist for further details and information.

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Behavioral Data

National Survey of Family Growth (NSFG)
The National Survey of Family Growth (NSFG) sample represents the household population of the United States, 15-44 years of age. Multiple reports have been produced based on the results of the survey data, including:

The California Health Interview Survey (CHIS)
The California Health Interview Survey (CHIS) is a telephone survey of adults, adolescents, and children from all parts of the state. The survey is conducted every two years through UCLA.

The CHIS survey does include questions related to sexual health including: STDs, HIV, and Sexual Behaviors. The Adolescent CHIS survey is only reliable for statewide results, and not for local health jurisdictions (sample size often small resulting in statistical instability).

The California Healthy Kids Survey (CHKS)- West ED
The California Healthy Kids Survey is school-based and targeted at grades 5-12. In California, Local Education Agencies (LEAs) and County Offices of Education (COEs) that accept funds under the federal No Child Left Behind Act's Title IV Safe and Drug Free Schools and Communities (SDFSC) program or the state Tobacco Use Prevention Education (TUPE) program must administer the CHKS at least once every two years.

Other Data Resources

United States Census Bureau
Population based information and demographics: including race/ethnicity, health insurance, and income.

California Department of Education (CDE) Data and Statistics offers more than 300 indicators on the health and well being of children in communities across California.

Qualitative Data Information and Resources

Focus Groups
Focus groups are group interviews. A moderator guides the interview while a small group discusses the topics that the interviewer raises. What the participants in the group say during their discussions are the essential data in focus groups. Typically, there are six to eight participants who come from similar backgrounds, and the moderator is a well-trained professional who works from a predetermined set of discussion topics.
Source: Morgan, David L. "About This Book." The Focus Group Guidebook. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE, 1998. 1-7.

Key Informant Interviews
Are qualitative in-depth interviews of 15 to 35 people selected for their first hand knowledge about a topic of interest. The interviews are loosely structured, relying on a list of issues to be discussed. Key informant interviews resemble a conversation among acquaintances, allowing a free flow of ideas and information. Interviewers frame questions spontaneously, probe for information and take notes, which are elaborated on later. Performance Monitoring and Evaluation tips from USAID - Key Information Interviews. (PDF)

A branch of anthropology involving the study and descriptive recording of existing cultures primarily through participant observation, unstructured interviews and key informant interviews.  Source: Working With Communities to Achieve Change Training. California STD/HIV Prevention Training Center, Oakland, CA.

Photovoice is a participatory research method based on health promotion principles that involve participants in taking pictures, telling stories, and influencing policy.

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Assessing the Community

Community Assessment Tools - by Rotary International. A sample session plan follows a description of each tool.

Transformation Education

Popular Education News. An introduction to the activities and advocates of popular education.

Goals and Objectives

National Cancer Institute
"Pink Book": Making Health Communication Programs Work

The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy (Published December 2008)
Managing the Media Monster

Theory Informs the Message

Theory at a Glance (PDF) from National Cancer Institute.

Behavioral Theory Sample Questions (PDF) from the CA STD/HIV Prevention Training Center.

How theories are used in social marketing campaigns - case studies (PDF) from the CA STD/HIV Prevention Training Center.

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Creating the Message

CDC's National Center for Health Marketing


Logic Model Course from ETR Associates.

Sally's budget sample for low-cost social marketing campaign (PDF).

Media channels comparison chart by cost and population (PDF) from the CA STD/HIV Prevention Training Center.


American Journal of Public Health: Special Issue on Evaluation

Evaluation Toolkit (W.K. Kellogg Foundation)

RE-AIM [Reach, Efficacy, Adoption, Implementation, Maintenance] is a systematic way for researchers, practitioners, and policy makers to evaluate health behavior interventions. The web site includes Reach and Adoption calculators, checklists, measures, publications, presentations, and more.

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Additional Resources

SWAP. A database for locally developed STD/HIV promotional educational materials. All materials are downloadable at no cost. This site is administered by the California STD/HIV Prevention Training Center and the California Department of Public Health STD Control Branch

Beth's Blog: How Nonprofits Can Use Social Media: Measuring Engagement and Return on Relationships.

Compete. Compare website hits for major public websites. Doesn't work as well for very disparate comparisons or smaller websites.

Guide for Bloggers and Non-Profit Organizations About Writing With Libel in Mind

Public Health Digital Brief - July 2008 (PDF). Document from the National Campaign about digital tools being used in pregnancy prevention. | Web 2.0: from Curious to Competent. This eBook is designed to explore the reasons for using the most popular Web 2.0 tools and guide you as you explore the read/write Web on your own.

You Know Different social marketing toolkit (PDF). Toolkit from You Know Different campaign about how to use social marketing to get youth tested for HIV.

Community Health Resources from the CDC
You'll find links to hundreds of useful planning guides, evaluation frameworks, communication materials, behavioral and risk factor data, fact sheets, scientific articles, key reports and state and local program contacts.

Tools to create a campaign
Audacity. Audacity is a free, easy-to-use audio editor and recorder.

Ez Texting. Easy Mass SMS and Group Text Messaging.

LectureScribe. A program for easily producing animated "whiteboard lectures" from a tablet PC or electronic whiteboard.

Twitalyzer. For Tracking Influence and Measuring Success in Twitter.

Weebly. Create a free website and a free blog. Easy drag and drop interface. No technical skills required. Dozens of professional designs.

Screenr. Free program that allows you to record your own desktop and voice for short (five minute) instructional pieces.

Resources about Priority Populations
Cultural Competence Resources for Health Care Providers (HRSA)
Resources include assessment tools, culture/language sites, disease/conditions sites, special population groups, training curricula, web-based training and more.

Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD)

Refugee Health Information Network (RHIN) - RHIN has created a database of health education materials in multiple languages and formats (e.g. brochures, factsheets, etc.) from reputable sources. Languages are focused on refugee population groups.

APHA: Health Disparities Database - Historical database contains information about projects and interventions submitted by public health practitioners. Searchable by program category, race/ethnicity, gender, age, state, evaluation status. Includes contact information of the project manager.

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