PLEASE NOTE: Due to continued restrictions in funding and increasing costs for producing and hosting online courses, we will be charging for some of our online content
starting April 1, 2015. This nominal fee will allow us to continue to bring you high quality, relevant online learning opportunities. It is indicated in full course descriptions below where registration fee is required.

Course Descriptions
Be PrEPared: A Practical Approach to Implementing HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis
Learn about Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis ("PrEP"), the new prevention option for people who are at high risk of getting HIV. This December 2013 webinar covers key PrEP topic areas including: the definition of PrEP; an overview of research supporting the use of PrEP; implementation and medical management issues; and reimbursement for care of patients on PrEP. The presentation is led by Oliver Bacon, MD, MPH, of the San Francisco Department of Public Health's PrEP Demonstration Project. Important: Registration is required for CME.
Registration Fee: $10.00
1 Credit Hour CME: $10.00
View Presentation
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Delivery of the Positive HIV Test Result
Routine, opt-out HIV testing in medical settings is recommended by CDC and supported by law in California. This 1 hour online course is designed for medical providers to increase knowledge, skills and confidence about delivering a positive HIV test result in any health care setting. A 3-step framework for giving a positive HIV test result is presented, and its application is demonstrated in 3 video vignettes.
This activity was planned & implemented in accordance with the Institute for Medical Quality & the California Medical Associations CME Accreditation Standards (IMQ/CMA) through Joint Sponsorship of Cardea Services (formerly Center for Health Training) & CA STD/HIV Prevention Training Center. Cardea Services is accredited by IMQ/CMA for issuing AMA PRA Category 1 Credits for physicians. Cardea designates Delivery of the Positive HIV Test Result for a maximum of 1 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit. Physicians should claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
System requirements: Firefox, Safari, or Chrome. Currently, this online course is not compatible with Internet Explorer.
Registration fee: $10.00
1 Credit Hour CME: $10.00
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Hepatitis Web Study
The Seattle STD/HIV PTC Hepatitis Web Study is intended for health care workers who provide clinical care to persons with viral hepatitis. The service offers interactive, case-based modules dealing with the diagnosis and management of hepatitis A, B, C, and other hepatitis viruses. Each module includes case studies, discussion points, high-quality illustrations/graphics, references, and resource links. Free continuing education credit is available.
Hepatitis Courses Webpage
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HIV Today: What Everyone Needs to Know
This interactive and self-paced 60 minute course is designed for two audiences: the general public and a variety of providers who may be new to providing services to those at risk for and infected with HIV. It provides basic information about HIV and AIDS and is designed to provide a brief overview of topics such as transmission, disease progression, risk reduction, prevention and health disparities. The course provides comprehensive links to relevant resources and glossary terms. By the end of the course, providers will be familiar with basic information about HIV/AIDS and will have access to resources necessary to gain more information and support. Upon successful completion of the course, viewers can receive 1 credit hour at no charge for CCAPP, or a general Certificate of Completion.
Registration Fee: $10.00
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HIV Web Study
The Northwest AIDS Education Training Center and the University of Washington HIV Web Study is intended for clinicians who care for HIV-infected persons. The site features 40 interactive case studies and includes broad array of topics related to the clinical care of HIV-infected persons. Free continuing education credit is available.
HIV Courses Webpage
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Self-Study STD Modules for Clinicians
The CDC Self-Study STD Modules for Clinicians are seven web-based educational modules, each based on a specific STD topic. Each module is considered to be an individual course, and as many modules as desired can be completed. Free continuing education credit is available.
STD Self-Study Webpage
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Social Determinants of Health and HIV
This engaging and informative one-hour online course, based on our popular two-day instructor-led training, provides an introduction to social determinants and HIV. It includes an overview of social determinants, their relevance to health disparities, and their importance to understanding HIV in the US today. The course uses videos and scenarios to illustrate key concepts. After completing the course, learners will be able to: (1) to describe social determinants and their impacts on HIV risk and prevalence and access to services; (2) define a social determinants of health perspective; and (3) identify places to intervene. Upon successful completion of the course, viewers can receive 1 credit hour at no charge for CCAPP, or a general Certificate of Completion.
This online course is not compatible with Internet Explorer. System browser requirements: Firefox, Safari, or Chrome.
Registration fee: $10.00
View Introduction
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STD Overview for Non-Clinicians Online
Please Note: The STD Overview for Non-Clinicians Online course is currently under revision. The STD related information is accurate and current. The Data slides are not current. For current data please visit the sites below.
Registration Fee: $10.00
STD Information from the CDC
CDC Self Study Modules and Videos
CDC Self Study Modules for Clinicians
Latest California STD Data
California Department of Public Health, STD Control Branch website
If you have coursework in progress, please contact us directly at:
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STD Case Series
The NNPTC STD Case Series is intended for practicing clinicians who provide care to persons at risk for STDs. The series includes case presentations of common STD-related syndromes with a guided, interactive process to evaluate each case, arrive at a diagnosis and provide recommended treatment. Free continuing education credit is available.
STD Case Series Website
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Syphilis in the HIV-infected Patient
The International Antiviral Society-USA (IAS-USA) introduces a case about an HIV-infected man with possible sexually transmitted disease co-infection and presents 5 clinical decision points, each focusing on a case-management objective. At each decision point, learners should select the option that they believe is most sound and then read the presenter's explanation of that option. Choosing the best option leads to an extended discussion of the medical evidence and practice considerations related to the case-management objective.
Cases on the Web IAS-USA Website
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