Strategy and Implementation

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Strategy and Implementation

The greatest risk is not taking one.
                           --Author unknown

Here are some things to consider when designing your overall plan:

  1. How much money is there to work with?
  2. Is there a specific start and end time to this campaign and/or funding source?
  3. What are the most effective media sources you will use to implement the campaign? [Note: the strategies used are best chosen by your population and what they are likely to see, hear and use themselves].  Click here for a Media Comparison Grid that outlines available and appropriate media outlets.
  4. What process objectives do staff need to accomplish our outcome objectives?

       a. What steps need to happen first?

       b. Who will do each step?
  5. Do you have adequate community support to conduct a social marketing campaign?
  6. Dont forget to pretest your near final version...that means, ask representatives of your priority population what they think of the message and the message products. Find out if the message has the intended impact on the outcome objectives.


Tools you can use:

Logic Models may be helpful for more effective, detailed planning.  Here is an example of a Logic Model for a youth HIV prevention program called Focus on Youth with ImPACT.  ETR Associates also has a CD-Rom you can order here that shows you how to create a Logic Model, as well as an online course.


Another tool is the Gantt chart.  This is a template for you to date and list all activities and staff assigned that contribute to the completion of the campaign.

There are many different methods for getting your message disseminated.  Take a look at this table to see the variety of social marketing mediums that exist and the different benefits to each.  Remember to ask your priority population what message mediums work best for them!




Click here to download Sally's sample budget for a small social marketing campaign.





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