Youth Social Marketing Toolkit

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 YSMT Home
 What Is Social Marketing?
 What's Going On?
 Data and Background
Assessing the Community
   Transformation Education      
 What Do You Want to Say?
Goals and Objectives
 Theory Informs the Message
 Creating the Message
   Sexual Health Behaviors
 Do It!

   Media Comparison Grid 
Sally! A Case Study
 Social Marketing Toolbox
Campaign Samples
 About Us 

The Youth Social Marketing Toolkit provides an overview of how agencies with limited financial resources can develop a social marketing campaign that reaches youth and young adults.

The information provided on this site will guide you through the many decisions that must be made throughout this process with practical examples from the field of sexual and reproductive health.  

Following the sections below, you will be guided through the creation of a social marketing campaign:

    1. What is social marketing? Learn exactly what social marketing is and how it differs from commercial marketing.
    2. What's going on?Defining the Problem. Take your first steps toward creating successful messages. This section explains how to gather data, define the problem and identify the priority population.
  • What do you want to say? Make your message real and popular. Most people are influenced by the ideas and behaviors of others. Develop measurable objectives that best suit your staff and community.
  1. Do It!  Choose your campaign methods and a media mix that is considerate of both the priority population and your budget limitations. Learn how to evaluate your process and outcomes. Repeat the above steps to incorporate the evaluation information you gathered along the way!
  2. Sally! A Case Study: Follow Sally, a local county health department employee, as she creates an effective and affordable social marketing campaign.
  3. Social Marketing Toolbox: Find worksheets, websites and other tools to assist you every step of the way.
  4. Campaign Samples: See examples of real social marketing campaigns launched by youth-based organizations.

Developing a social marketing campaign can be fun and creative.  However, before you make any commitments to social marketing, know what you are getting into and recognize that an effective effort requires thorough planning and community "buy in."  Populations and the health issues are dynamic and varied; there are many ways to implement a successful social marketing campaign.   

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Meet Sally: she works for a small agency and has been given the challenging assignment of conducting a social marketing campaign.  She is not an expert in this field. Follow her through her decision making process.

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 Social Marketing Toolbox: Find the tools that you  need to make a social marketing campaign,  including worksheets, links and sample  materials.


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